Tasmanian Pure Vodka's Origins: 30 Million Years of Craft™.
Tasmania is famous for its rainforest wilderness and is as far from the centers of global population and pollution as possible, without actually stepping foot on Antarctica. As a result, the island of Tasmania is sparkling clean, offering crisp, fresh air and untainted water, aided by its serene isolation and the protection of the Great South Ocean that surrounds it. All electricity on the island is generated by renewable energy sources, namely hydro-generation. There are no coal fired power plants on the island and certainly no nuclear power plants; a PURE, pristine nirvana.

Rainfall is the basis for our water.
The evolution and crafting of the caves in the Mole Creek area began as Australia broke away from Antarctica. Glaciers developed in Antarctica and the Tasmanian Mountains. As a result, glacial sediments were deposited in the current cave network some 30 Million Years ago — hence our 30 Million Years of Craft™.
The rainfall that is the basis for our water reaches the coast of Tasmania propelled by the famed “Roaring Forties” wind currents that blow uninterrupted from more than halfway around the globe, from the Andes Mountains in South America, across the great and perilous Great Southern Ocean and West to Tasmania. This uninterrupted passage results in the best and purest rainwater in the world. As the sun shines and evaporation ensues, storm clouds form above the Great Southern Ocean, far from land.